Morgan Carbon is a Division of Morgan Crucible


Long life carbon grades

Morgan Industrial Carbon are proud to announce the release of our "Long Life" materials suited to industrial applications. The materials have been developed within Australia, catering for local environmental conditions experienced throughout our vast country.

Patina formation and minimal commutator wear are the key maintenance issues experienced on modern day machines. Our "long life" grades are designed to assist and maintain commutator patina under a wide range of operating conditions.

Used throughout the open cut coal industry and steel industry, our materials provide maximum machine utilisation, and provide top class performance.

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Locations and Addresses

Tel : 0061 2 9772 5600
Tel : 0061 7 5433 7100
Tel : 0061 3 9551 2377
Tel : 08 9451 9088
Tel : 0011 64 9 836 9220
Tel: +65 6296 0929
Tel: (60) 3 - 5569 3990

Morgan Carbon
A Division of Morgan Crucible