Morgan Carbon is a Division of Morgan Crucible


Terminal blocks

Morgan Industrial Carbon can supply a wide range of standard 6 stud terminal boards for three phase motors for both standard and hazardous duty as well as a range of special multi stud terminals.                      

The stocked K1M range of 6 stud terminals have M4 to M16 terminal stud threads with voltage ratings from 440 to 1200 Volts depending on the type.

The KS range of terminal boards are for hazardous duty (EX locations). These are PTB Certified to 750 Volts and are suitable for motor lead sizes from 2.5mm2  to 25mm2.

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Locations and Addresses

Tel : 0061 2 9772 5600
Tel : 0061 7 5433 7100
Tel : 0061 3 9551 2377
Tel : 08 9451 9088
Tel : 0011 64 9 836 9220
Tel: +65 6296 0929
Tel: (60) 3 - 5569 3990

Morgan Carbon
A Division of Morgan Crucible