Morgan Carbon is a Division of Morgan Crucible


Seal components

Rings & Compressor Components

Sealing Rings

Carbon sealing rings are used as the wear face of most mechanical seals for the sealing of fluids in all sealing of fluids in all industries. 

Applications are:

  • Process pumps 
  • Rotary steam joints 
  • Seals for agitators and autoclaves 
  • Chemical pumps 
  • Cold and warm water pumps
  • Corrosive liquid pumps. 

Carbon is well suited to be used as a sealing ring due to having the following properties:

  • Very good chemical resistance 
  • Good thermal conductivity 
  • High wear resistance 
  • Good corrosion resistance 
  • Dry running properties
  • Good frictional properties 
  • Outstanding resistance thermal shock 
  • Low thermal expansion 

Due to the need for sealing rings to be impervious the carbon material is impregnated with either resin or various metals. Morgan Industrial Carbon should be contacted to ensure the correct grade is used for the application. Seal faces can be supplied unlapped or if required lapped to three helium light bands of flatness. 

Carbon seal faces are compatible with a wide range of metallic and ceramic counterfaces including silicon carbide and tungsten carbide. 

 Compressor Components

For Non-Lubrication or Oil-Free Compressors 

Various makes of Non- Lubricated Compressors utilise Piston/Bearing rings and Gland Packings in their mechanics, made from self-lubricating materials such as carbon. Various grades of carbon are available to suit individual applications and great care in selecting the right grade of material is taken. Morgan Industrial Carbon can also supply Oil Scraper Rings (Wiper Rings) in bronze, white metal materials as requested for the sealing of oil from the compressor crankcase area.


Area of service for non-lubricated compressors include:

  • Oxygen plants where oil use would present a fire and explosion hazard. 
  • Instrument air compressors to prevent oil from clogging air operated control systems 
  • Process air for food industries to avoid oil contamination of food 
  • Breweries for the compression of CO2 and process air 
  • Petroleum refining and processing industries for handling of gases and non-lubricating fluids 
  • Chemical industries to prevent oil contamination of end products 
  • Medical oxygen for hospital use. 

To assist us in the manufacture of your specific requirements of Non Compressor Piston Rings, Piston Wear Rings and Packings please fill in the following relevant data below.


Type of Compressor________________
Model No., Part No. of Rings_________
Configuration Horizontal/Vertical/Vee_____________
No. of Stages_____________________
No. of Rings per stage______________
Diameter of each cylinder (A)________
Outside diameter of Pistons (G)_______
Outside diameter of Groove

Pressure Ring (C)______________________
Wear Ring (F)______________________

Operating temperature______________
Operating pressure_________________
Material being pumped______________
Type of joint______________________


Type of Compressor_________________
Model No., Part No. of Rings___________
Type of material_____________________
Piston Rod diameter (I)_______________
Cup Depth (K)______________________
Cup I.D. (J)________________________
Configuration of Rings________________
Number of rings or pairs of rings per set________________________________
Samples or sketches__________________

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Tel : 0061 2 9772 5600
Tel : 0061 7 5433 7100
Tel : 0061 3 9551 2377
Tel : 08 9451 9088
Tel : 0011 64 9 836 9220
Tel: +65 6296 0929
Tel: (60) 3 - 5569 3990

Morgan Carbon
A Division of Morgan Crucible